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Mapping drive di windows menggunakan NET USE.

Ada ratusan perintah dos di windows, untuk kali ini saya akan menjabarkan kegunaan NET USE

net use biasanya untuk menghubungkan atau memutuskan komputer dari sebuah jaringan, atau bisa untuk menampilkan
informasi tentang koneksi komputer .
oke langsung aja kita mengetahui dasar syntax nya.

kalau problem yang saya sering temui di client biasanya net use saya gunakan untuk mapping drive dan menghubungkan printer.

sebagai contoh mapping drive seperti ini :

example mapping drive :

buka run - cmd

net use z: \\server\public

bila komputer server menggunakan password

net use z: \\server\public password\ /USER:administrator

untuk syntax diatas akan berhasil bila satu komputer dalam 1 workgroup , lain halnya bila masing komputer berbeda workgroup/domain.

syntax from account domain :

net use z: \\server\public password\ /user:domain\useraccout

syntax delete mapping :

net use z: \\server\public /delete

net use * /delete - delete all mapping

syntax net use printer from account domain:

net use \\compprinter\IPC$ password /USER:domain\useraccout

Parameters Net use :

DeviceName : Assigns a name to connect to the resource or specifies the device to be disconnected. There are two kinds of device names: disk drives (that is, D: through Z:) and printers (that is, LPT1: through LPT3:). Type an asterisk (*) instead of a specific device name to assign the next available device name.

\\ComputerName\ShareName : Specifies the name of the server and the shared resource. If ComputerName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the entire computer name from the double backslash (\\) to the end of the computer name (for example, "\\Computer Name\Share Name"). The computer name can be from 1 to 15 characters long.

\volume : Specifies a NetWare volume on the server. You must have Client Service for NetWare installed and running to connect to NetWare servers.

Password : Specifies the password needed to access the shared resource. Type an asterisk (*) to produce a prompt for the password. The password is not displayed when you type it at the password prompt.

/user : Specifies a different user name with which the connection is made.

DomainName : Specifies another domain. If you omit DomainName, net use uses the current logged on domain.

UserName : Specifies the user name with which to log on.

DottedDomainName : Specifies the fully-qualified domain name for the domain where the user account exists.

/savecred : Stores the provided credentials for reuse.

/smartcard : Specifies the network connection is to use the credentials on a smart card. If multiple smart cards are available, you are asked to specify the credential.

/delete : Cancels the specified network connection. If you specify the connection with an asterisk (*), all network connections are canceled.

/persistent:{yes | no} : Controls the use of persistent network connections. The default is the setting used last. Deviceless connections are not persistent. Yes saves all connections as they are made, and restores them at next logon. No does not save the connection being made or subsequent connections. Existing connections are restored at the next logon. Use /delete to remove persistent connections.

/home : Connects a user to the home directory.

net help command : Displays help for the specified net command.

Demikian ulasan tentang net use , semoga bermanfaat buat semua :) .


  1. kok nggak bisa ya gan

  2. tanya gan ane pake command :

    net use LPT1: \\nama komputer\nama printer sharing /Persistent:YES

    ditanya user di komputer tsb, saya masukan, lalu ditanya password tapi gak bisa input, .dipaksa ketik trus enter jg tetep access denied, .udah dicoba remove password jg tetep gak bisa. .

  3. Nice Artikel Om ,
    Kunbal Om admin ,
    Jasa Service Komputer / Laptop Murah
    http://corelcomputerblog.wordpress.com :)
